Oak City Fellowship

Oak City Fellowship


Vision and Core Values

Putting our beliefs into action...

What you value is what you do and we value making followers of Jesus who love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength while loving their neighbors as they would want to be loved.

We value making followers of Jesus with hearts to tell others about Jesus and to do the things Jesus did -- meeting people's basic needs, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, preaching the Gospel, speaking the thoughts of God, worshiping, praying according to God's will and expanding His kingdom.

Core Values

1. We value making disciples who love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and who love their neighbors as themselves. We value making disciples of all ages who have a heart for evangelism, healing, deliverance from evil spirits. People who have a passion for their local church, the Church at large, and the world.

2. We value prayer and intercession. Our desire is to have prayer teams praying for our church, its leaders, and our God-given spheres of influence seven days a week with a view toward 24/7 prayer coverage.

3. We value liberating people from the bondage of the world, Satan and all systems of evil.

4. We value the preaching of the Word; whether expository or topical, it must be solely based on Scriptural truths so that the lost will be saved and the saved will grow in grace and develop their spiritual gifts to advance the Kingdom of God.

5. We value worship which transforms our innermost being. Our worship will capture what God is doing in our generation and culture.

6. We value the Holy Spirit’s power so that as we go, we preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, prophesy the thoughts of God, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and provide for people’s basic needs.

7. We value healing prayer. We believe God heals today like He heals in the Bible; that we have no power in ourselves but the power comes from the Holy Spirit. We want to create an atmosphere for healing where the whole person is healed, in body, mind and spirit.

8. We value prophecy. We believe hearing the voice of God and communicating His thoughts are critical for instruction and encouragement in the discipleship process. Our prophetic words must not contradict Scripture and are never to supersede God’s infallible written word.

9. We value revival. “Revival is a season of unusual divine visitation resulting in deep repentance, supernatural renewal, and sweeping reformation in the Church, along with the radical conversion of sinners in the world, often producing moral, social, and even economic change in the local or national communities" (Dr. Michael Brown).

10. We value the poor. Our desire is to alleviate poverty among God’s children. We do this by teaching that God’s primary way for provision is work. We encourage job training and education so that jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities are realized.

Strategy and Implementation

The Kingdom of God transforms people from the inside out. We form discipleship groups with the purpose of implementing our core values. We teach people to love God, love people, and make disciples.

We give people love, acceptance, and encouragement.

We get excited when we see sinful behaviors diminish and godly behaviors emerge through this process. Discipleship is a process, just like raising children. Some transformations occur faster than others, and no two people are created to be the same.

Current strategies:

1. Leadership development so that we train people to take our places and expand God’s Kingdom.

2. Discipleship classes that include membership, learning the four basic habits every follower of Jesus Christ should practice, and discovering and developing spiritual gifts.

3. Prophetic evangelism in the streets, work place, schools, recreational areas, and home.

4. Healing teams before and after every service.

5. Prophetic prayer teams after the services.

6. Visitation ministry. Spend time with people, providing love and attention, including the sick in hospitals and shut-ins.

7. Children's Ministry. Impart strong Biblical values to our children, anticipating them to have an essential and necessary part in proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

8. Short and long-term international missions to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and provide job training and entrepreneurial opportunities to alleviate poverty among our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world.

Future strategies:

1. Internet radio ministry

2. Internet TV ministry

3. Prophetic healing and prayer teams during the day at the church.

4. A team of folks who can supervise during emergency times. We should never turn someone away who truly needs food, shelter, and clothing, and they should be directed to a place where we know they will be safe and sheltered.

5. Start a school of theology and practical job skills, such as computer training